Thursday, October 31, 2019

Bussniess Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bussniess - Assignment Example Mainly, these encompass clientele service, production planning, buying, storing of the finished merchandise and ferrying. These are evident in the firm in which goods have to pass through prior the corporation finds adequate dispatching means and contribute to the core tasks of the main supply. Besides, the diverse entities that normally form supply chain; primarily their connection entails both physical and informational flows. Physical flow is the movement of the merchandise from its source to the intended destination. An informational flow is the sharing of ideas or essential long-term plans concerning movement of goods in the supply chain amid the key partners. Consequently, this ensures the accessibility of the necessary merchandise to the client besides enabling participating firms maintain their competitive edge. The firm’s operations entail prior planning, which is approximately two years due to the expensive nature of abrupt changes that may even interfere with firm’s strategies. Its internal logistics comprise of 65%-automated operations, thus shunning much human physical involvement (Deshpande 4). This supply design, has enabled the firm attain greater aggressive advantage in the market besides having big clientele for its goods. Additionally, it entails prior material planning and sourcing where its suppliers cannot exceed the stated financial plan of Rs 2.9 Billion. The table below exemplifies design target in which the Pepsi’s operates. Pepsi normally operates within the set above stated constraints (in Table 1), which encompass both local and export forecasts especially Afghanistan’s demand (Janvier-James 200). This enables the firm to maintain its grip of the clientele equally at home and internationally, which is possible via ensuring its supply chain/design planning is flexible. Pepsi usually

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Lowering the Drinking Age Essay Example for Free

Lowering the Drinking Age Essay The legal drinking age has been a continuously debated subject in the United States since its establishment. The national legal drinking age of twenty-one years old was placed in 1984 and still holds to the present, but many have begun questioning whether twenty-one is still an appropriate age for our current society. Much of this debate starts with college campuses and binge drinking. As a senior in high school, and soon-to-be freshman in college, I began wondering if the drinking age is still suitable for present times, and if it should be altered. According to University of Michigan, approximately 80% of high school students have tried alcohol before graduating, and 60% have gotten drunk. With these statistics, it seems evident that the legal drinking age is not efficiently doing its job, and should be reviewed. So the question arises: Should the legal drinking age be changed? I started my research with â€Å"Repeal the Drinking Age,† by Jeffrey Tucker, Publisher and Executive Editor of Laissez Faire Books, from his own Mises Daily blog. In his article, Tucker begins his blog by discussing how most countries’ legal drinking ages are eighteen, but in the â€Å"land of the free,† the limit is set at twenty-one, even though the nation knows it is not working. Tucker relates the current drinking age to Prohibition, stating that the twenty-one age limit is rather liberal, and that putting restrictions on alcohol, like during Prohibition, only results in bigger problems. He then concludes that the drinking age is based on â€Å"one overarching argument: driving,† where we simply do not want drunken teens on the road. Read Also:  Easy Exploratory Essay Topics Tucker also states that the data on drunk driving â€Å"cannot be statistically attributed to the national minimum drinking-age law. † Tucker concludes by saying if we are serious about a â€Å"free society,† the nation needs to repeal the minimum drinking-age law. When exploring Tucker’s article, I have to agree that Prohibition was a terrible attempt by the United States to help fix social issues, but relating the drinking age to Prohibition is a bit of a stretch. I also agree that the decrease in fatalities involved with drunk driving definitely cannot be awarded solely to lowering the drinking age. Numerous other sources, such as a better understanding of risks with alcohol through schooling, much safer cars, and an increase in legal punishment, also play a major role in the decrease of drunk driving and fatalities. But relating the issue to what our founding fathers would say, and the ruining of a â€Å"free society† by not eliminating the drinking age, seems a little outlandish. Although the article did take the issue a little out of proportion, Tucker makes a good point about the current restriction obviously not working, colleges accepting this fact, and ignoring it. The article is a good base for an opinion about abolishing the drinking age completely, but I would also like to explore an opinion of simply lowering the drinking age. The next article I read was â€Å"Why the Drinking Age Should be Lowered,† an article in a scholarly journal written by Professor Ruth Engs associated with Indiana University. Professor Engs starts her article saying that the legal drinking age should be lowered to eighteen or nineteen years old, and that she has come to this conclusion after over twenty years of researching college youth and the history of drinking. Engs continues by stating that people under the age of twenty-one are more likely to be binge drinkers, consuming over five drinks at least once a week, and that 22% of students under twenty-one are binge drinkers, compared to 18% of legal drinkers. Engs then goes on telling other statistics about an increase in problems related to irresponsible drinking. Such problems include excessive drinking, getting into fights, and missing class, blaming the issues on â€Å"underground drinking† by underage drinkers. The article is concluded by Engs saying that the drinking age â€Å"is not working, and is counterproductive,† and that the minimum age should be lowered to help teach responsible drinking and decrease alcohol abuse. Professor Engs makes a very compelling argument in her article by not only discussing why the drinking age should be lowered, but also the issues with having the current age limit. I agree with Professor Engs’ description of underage drinking as an â€Å"enticing forbidden fruit,† a â€Å"badge of rebellion against authority,† and a symbol of adulthood. These comparisons actually sound realistic and show how underage drinking is a problem in the first place. Engs also uses statistics to support her opinion, proving that underage drinking is a serious problem. In my opinion though, Engs fails to consider the possible issues that could arise from lowering the drinking age. It is difficult to expect eighteen year olds to learn responsible drinking from their parents and peers, when in reality the exact opposite could be happening from alcoholic parents or irresponsible friends. With this article I learned numerous statistics about binge drinking and problems associated with underage drinking. The source seems very valid, and serves as a great opinion supporting why the drinking age should be lowered. While the article creates a persuasive argument on lowering the drinking age, I would also like to explore ideas behind increasing the drinking age. My final article, â€Å"Should the Legal Drinking Age Be Raised to 25 to Eliminate Deadly College Partying? † is written by Stephenson Billings, an investigative journalist for christwire. com. Billings takes a very strong opinion on the subject of the drinking age, thinking that it should be raised immediately, along with the banning of all alcohol on college campuses. Billings writes of alcohol being a â€Å"foul liquid† that keeps students from maturing into adulthood, and corrupts their ethics. He also writes about alcohol turning women into â€Å"lusting wolves,† and compares underage drinking to the most extreme of alcoholics who only care about alcohol throughout their lives. The author mentions the problem of legal drinkers buying alcohol for minors, openly allowing them to drink illegally and irresponsibly. Billings ends with the â€Å"straightforward† resolution of ending illegal drinking by raising the drinking age to twenty-five years old and eliminating alcohol from educational premises. Even though the article is put to the extreme, Billings does make a few good points. Billings views on drinking in college are over exaggerated, but are accurate in some cases. Extreme binge drinking does take place among colleges in America, and such colleges need to create strict penalties for such occasions, possibly banning alcohol from certain fraternities or even the college altogether. Billings also makes a good point about older students turning younger ones â€Å"onto the party† by buying them alcohol illegally, allowing them to drink irresponsibly. But the rest of Billings’ article is sent so over the top that I felt almost annoyed by his constant attacking of alcohol in general. A great example, I have driven around town past midnight before, but definitely was not drinking or using drugs. The stereotypes he uses to describe those who drink illegally are overstated and outlandish. The article gave me a totally different aspect on the drinking age and added to my growing opinion that the current drinking age is not quite working. Although the article did create another aspect for me to consider, the extremeness of it made it unlikely for me to base any decisions upon it. As I sum up the research for my exploratory essay, I still have more articles to read, aspects to understand, and statistics to find, but I believe I have come up with a good conclusion to the drinking age debate. Clearly the twenty-one year old age limit is not effective, and is blatantly being broken. Underage drinking is happening more than ever, while taking place irresponsibly and encouraging binge drinking. With the rise in binge drinking comes the obvious rise of problems associated with it, such as drinking too much, skipping class, and starting fights. Although the drinking age has helped lower the number of fatalities from drunk driving, other factors have also assisted in the decrease. If we as a nation can emphasize alcohol education in our schools, teaching responsible drinking and wise decision making, I believe lowering the drinking age can help save lives, and even increase the maturity of current underage drinkers. A drinking age of nineteen seems more appropriate for teens maturing, hopefully creating safer drinking in college, while keeping it mainly out of high school. Before making any rash decisions though, and agreeing to make an actual constitutional change for the subject, I think I need to do more research and look into more aspects of the topic.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Blackberry Agriculture for Economic Development

Blackberry Agriculture for Economic Development Abstract Name of the project: Blackberry future Name of applicant: Haris Tahric Project partners: Municipality of Bihac Priority area of the project: Municipality of Bihac TARGET GROUP / NO DIRECT CUSTOMER: Entrepreneurs, Firms, Fruit processing factories. PLACE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT: Rural areas of Bihac municipality Project duration (month): 12 months Budget: 70 312 â‚ ¬ Summary Blackberry is a fruit species in our country, and especially in Bosnia, for many manufacturers of new and insufficiently known cultures, because the production began to be introduced only thirty years ago. As fruit crops, blackberry has great economic importance. Blackberry fruits are suitable and in great demand for various types of domestic and industrial processing, cryopreservation and for consumption in the fresh state. However, the current needs cannot be even close to settle, because the production of blackberries in our small and still largely achieved from natural populations of wild blackberries. Hence there is a need to accelerate the introduction and expansion of production as productive and better noble varieties of blackberries. Quickly coming into bearing, regularly and generously giving birth, fruit quality, easy realization of production achieved at affordable prices and other characteristics make noble blackberry very useful and profitable crop. In addition, in our country there are favorable natural conditions for the production of blackberries on a wide area of lowland to mountain heavy areas. So it is favorable natural resources relatively little exploited. The high profitability of growing blackberries is affected, that in recent years raising amateur and commercial plantation takes shape and is interested in its cultivation of a large number of manufacturers. I was very interested in the production of blackberries because of its biological properties, as well as fruit species, the best varieties to include in his plantation, the method of cultivation, plantation and raising seedlings, as well as the latest developments in the entire process of production and trade of fruits. I tried to use as many of their own results and other experiences, in order to avoid making mistakes, which would later reflect negatively on the success of the production of blackberries. INFORMATION ABOUT THE APPLICANT Mission: Our mission is to promote the agriculture of blackberries to become one of the main driving forces for the promotion of the local economy, because it is an agricultural product that has very low production costs but with the right selling strategy is could be very profitable. Vision: Our vision is to establish one product that could be the fundament of the local economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the main driving force which will bring our living standards to a higher level. The main objectives and strategies: Main objective of this project is to find investors which will invest into it. Such a goal is very hard to establish because we are now in a crisis period in which people are afraid to invest into projects which are not 100% profitable. This main objective can be established if we plan everything correctly and put a lot of effort into the project. The first part of this project consists of the description about the local economic position and what are the main problems. The second part consists of strategies how to use best the blackberry fields to maximize the profit. First stage of project will continue to work alongside of the other. Please provide brief description of the organizational structure and decision-making structure Number of employees would be ten to fifteen, with one executive manager, four graduates, one secretary, and nine field workers. Type of hierarchy would be vertical, where executive manager would be the director and the main decision maker, while four other employees would be subordinated to him in hierarchy. Decision making structure would be simplified, with executive manager on the top. The main idea is to follow the ideas of one person so that it don’t came into the position to deal with two or more strategies, which at the end wouldn’t be successful. Figure 1: Decision making hierarchy Workforce organization in the organization: Name and last name Occupation Position Gender Experience in years N/N Executive Manager CEO M 5 N/N Graduated Manager Consultant M 0 N/N Graduated Manager Consultant M 0 N/N Secretary Secretary W 3 N/N Field workers Physical workers M 3 Office: Own or leased Owned ( A smart Office space in the center of the city) Own or jointly with other NGOs Own Area 100 sqm (four working spaces and one meeting hall) Do you have a phone / fax in the office: Yes Do you have Internet access at the office: Yes Do you have all the necessary equipment for the implementation of the project? Yes INTRODUCTION As fruit crops, blackberry has great economic importance. It is particularly interesting for growing in warmer areas but near mountain, up to 700m above sea level. Economic significance as blackberry fruit culture, provide biological production traits which it is characterized, which is reflected in the following: quickly enter the fruit, because in the second year after planting begins to bear, and in the third year of a full fruit; born regularly and abundantly; blackberry fruits have great nutritional, technological and dietetic value, and are suitable and much in demand for various types of processing; Production of blackberries is very safe, because fresh fruits and its products easily and conveniently sold in domestic and foreign markets; easily and quickly multiplies, rooting peaks and using strips; adapts well to different growing conditions, it is not a big elector in terms of soil properties, late flower, also known spring frosts her no harm; growing blackberries is quite simple and allows the employment of more labor; relatively resistant to pests and diseases; its fruits are applied for medicinal purposes These and other biological production and technological features make blackberry very useful and profitable crop. Growing of blackberry is very fast and also returns on your investment. In addition to the good qualities of blackberries have disadvantages such as: Late ends vegetation, especially blackberries without thorns; What has plenty of sensitive fruits are small and durability; It is necessary for its growing enough manpower, especially for harvesting. To avoid these drawbacks, I chose the plantation earlier varieties of blackberries without thorns, which achieve high yields. Stakeholders of the project Municipality of Bihac – Municipality of Bihac in rural areas will have the biggest benefit from implementation of this project because they will introduce a new branch of berries. Furthermore, budget is expected to benefit due to increased activities. People – unemployed people in rural sector, which is the most affected in our country will directly get an opportunity to launch new small private enterprises or to engage in existing producer groups and thereby provide the jobs for themselves. Furthermore, people who live from agriculture will benefit. The areas around Bihac, as well as the majority of Una-Sana Canton are known for very fertile land for cultivation and production of fruits and vegetables. This production would put special focus on finding reliable partner for redemption of surpluses of blackberry. Firms – which already work on the area of municipality will benefit from the new product, which will expand the offer of companies that are engaged in buying and reselling fruit. Members/Individuals – workers who participate in the work on the plantations of blackberry. Foreign firms – which decides to invest in our country. They will be provided with a high quality product at a very affordable price. Targeted groups First of all, the target will be the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina but considering a good geographical position the target will also be West Europe, countries such as German, Italy, Austria and Benelux countries. This market, European market, has a large number of consumers of this product and major importers of blackberries because of insufficient domestic production. Overall goal of the project Overall goal of this project is to make a blackberry plantation by European standards and to participate in the European Union market with high quality products. With this move, we would have presented the municipality of Bihac and the Una-Sana Canton, to population of European Union in the best possible way and therefore met them with other products produced around these areas. Attracting FDI to Bosnia and Herzegovina, we can expect new projects and investments that will effect positively our economy and society. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Privately owned 100% Registered Capital: 65,100 KM Registration Number: - Date of establishment: 12.09.2000.god. Date of last registration: 06.09.2004.god. Bank: UniCredit Bank 60% Credit request: Credit for equipment and 45,000 KM Credit for working capital 15,000 KM TOTAL: 60,000 KM Repayment period 60 months, 6% interest. 1. What is the subject of investment? The subject of this loan application is: Fixed assets 110 000 KM Current assets 15,100 KM 2. How much funding is needed to achieve this? It takes a total of 173 100 KM, How will invest their own funds in the project What is required to obtain / build and What do you expect of these investments ? 3. Sources of funding: Loan commitments 60,000 KM Own funds 65 100 KM Annual income 48,000 KM Total: 173,100 KM. 4. It is necessary that the storage space install a small refrigerator, a refrigerated van, increase the surface area plantations, and obtain new varieties of blackberries. 5. From the presented investment, it is realistic to expect the modernization of production and increase capacity. IMPACT FOR THE COUNTRY / IMPACT FOR CITIZENS The agriculture should be in every country of the world the main part of the economy, because through the agriculture industry the whole economy of a country could do and buy whatever they want. Effects of expectations To increase production, which means security maintenance and expansion of relationships with customers, increase the number of seasonal workers, to fruits have time to repent and placed on the domestic and foreign markets. During each operation must be strictly take into account the quality and the customer is satisfied. Information about Ecology Production of blackberries is healthy and does not pollute the environment. Dry branches and leaves burn at the specified location. RESULTS OF THE BUSINESS PLAN As we know, to engage in any business must have a business plan, which will be our road map guiding. The business plan provided blackberries are all actions that occur in the production process. Investing own and borrowed capital to be efficient and to bring economic effects (profits). The planning results can provide a variety of efficiency. E > 1, E = 1 or E If efficiency is less than one, new investments are not efficient, and we have to realize a loss in the business plan of remedying the deficiencies that affect the negative efficiency. This is one of the better ways to verify the success of any enterprise. In addition to a good, realistic planning for the success of the enterprise, it is very important and successful manager, and his task is to produce blackberries presents the domestic and foreign market at realistic prices. In order for products to be competitive in the international market, have to meet European standards. Result 1 To conduct a business plan which will be completely according to the rules which are set by the ruling, we must first identify what is it what people need in accordance to survive. Result 2 Contribution to the development of the agricultural segment, through promotions in the ministry parliament. They don’t know if they even can fix them but people are making nervous protests just to become what they have deserved. Result 3 The most important result is that the development of the blackberry agriculture industry will help the local economy to survive and to earn enough funds to raise the GDP level, the average wage, the standard of living, to pay back government loans and to fund projects in the future whose goal is to establish a working economy with many benefits. Risks and Safeguards For the production of blackberry plantation farming risks are very small because of late starts with vegetation, and there is no danger of frost during the growing season. It is very well tolerated by dry periods, and is suitable for irrigation, since the plantations raised on gentle hills. In the case of lower genus, the number of seedlings is measured in order to achieve the planned profit, which can successfully sell on the market. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting Monitoring is the process which will give insight to the stakeholders of this project, and in particular, to the financers. Manager of the project is obligated to send reports about the status of project, planned activities and its progress. Through the monitoring the project manager is going to indicate what is being done good and what is being done bad. These adjustments will be done through communication with the executives in order to come up with the optimal solutions, which will satisfy all members involved in the project. I other words reports about the execution of time schedule, activities and budget, manager will send periodically. To have successful business and raise this firm on a higher level, he will also have meetings, monthly or quarterly with relevant stakeholders. On those meetings, they are also allowed to give their opinion, comments or any proposal which will be discussed among them. Evaluation – of the project will be done by a manager, and he is obligated to use step by step technique, due to fact of small number of employees, and limited budget. This is done because this project does not want for manager to get involved in too many activities at the same and as a result of that, those activities do not get proper execution. He will be allowed to move to next planned activity during the implementation of this project only after the previous activity has been done, or it has moved into final phase. Reporting – As an appropriate persons from the financial side of the project, manager must send periodically reports to relevant stakeholders and executives. CONCLUSION Why I opted for plantation cultivation blackberry? Great love for the fruit has contributed to decide for plantation cultivation of blackberries. Bearing in mind that the blackberry fruit crops as very young in our region, its good biological properties, each year he entered the great fertility of high-quality fruits, which have been increasingly used in household, culinary and food industry. Products blackberries are healing, both in fresh and in processed condition. There is a great demand for blackberries, success is guaranteed.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Restriction Enzyme Analysis :: Papers

Restriction Enzyme Analysis Research question: Using only the information from these experiments calculate the number and size of the fragments that would be made using BAMH1 restriction enzyme, and calculate the migration distances of the various fragments. Restriction enzyme used Base pairing fragments Distance Travelled (cm)* Log of base pairs* Example My Group ECO R1 (6 fragments) 21226 7421 5804 5643 4878 3530 1.4 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.9 - 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.3 - - 4.3 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.5 HIND III (7 fragments) 23130 9416 6682 4361 2322 2027 564 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.5 3.7 5.8 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.9 3.1 - 4.4 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.3 2.8 Predicted figures from my graph BAM H1 (6 fragments) 16842 7233 6770 6527 5626 5504 1.3 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 4.2 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.7 Results *All figures in table are to 2s.f. I chose to calculate the log of the base pairs because the numbers vary significantly, making it difficult to plot on a graph. By doing this you can put the values into perspective for easy comparison. I will only use the example on my graph, as my results are unclear and inaccurate. I measured the distance from the edge of the gel, where the well ended to the centre of each fragment.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cosmopolitanism and People Essay

The Internet is playing a very important role in the evolution of digital technology, but although it has seen remarkable growth over the last few years, its dispersion remains highly asymmetric. It is widely believed that the so called information age will bring radical change and improvement, and countries all over the world are busy with constructing the necessary infrastructure, the â€Å"information superhighways,† in order to meet the challenges of the information society of the twenty-first century. Kwame Anthony Appiah’s essay â€Å"Making Conversation† tell us about human’s conversation is better expressing themselves in person. Marshall Poe said in his article â€Å"The Hive† talks about the evolution of Wikipedia and how people are interacting online. The internet serves a purpose for research, schoolwork, and connections. However, the result from the internet age is loosing communication,lack of social interaction, and the unreliable nat ure of websites. First, Communication is key with success, however because of the internet age the ability to communicate face to face is dwindling.â€Å"Making Conversation† by Appiah is an idea on the expression cosmopolitanism and the feeling people in any nation have to take in order to achieve cosmopolitanism and globalization. Appiah wants to be citizen in the world not to separate by culture because people can learn each other different culture from other countries. Appiah said â€Å"One is the idea that we have obligations to others, obligations to others, obligations that stretch beyond those to whom we are related by the ties of kith and kind, or even the more formal ties of shared citizenship. The other is that we take seriously the value not just of human life but of particular human lives, which means taking an interest in the practices and beliefs that lend them significance† (Appiah 69). People learn from other cultures, with communication and with having an open mind. If People are closed off to new ideas from other cultures and we we will never grow. Communication is the  most important one topic because people communicate no matter what we need communication to express ourselves to others. Appiah said it is more important to communicate one another in person instead of using other networks. The conversation is the first important step to understand others. People of other cultures will then learn to accept the beliefs of others and by â€Å"changing our minds†, Appiah makes it clear that conversing with people does not often begin with agreeing on a set of principles, but rather exchanging our ideas and learning from another one. Eventhough, the internet can be helpful with education, it can also be unreliable. However, â€Å"The Hive† by Marchall Poe, was the openness of Wikipedia. Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that anyone can use it. This might work for some people specially that ones who attend school or college. This is very helpful for them because in Wikipedia you can search or find anything you would like. Since anyone can write, or delete or use information off of Wikipedia, it makes it less controversial because anyone can put their input into the website. If don’t agree with something, that’s alright because you can add your own opinion. Poe describes how authors of certain wiki pages write with a bias to support their facts. Facts become opinions when feelings and emotions of bias get involved. â€Å"Instead of relying on experts to write articles according to their expertise, Wikipedia lets anyone write about anything† (Poe 349). It means people are free to write whatever they want and they feel so others could see and write their opinions. This concept is important because it allows the author to give a good explanation on why this kind of group could work well with society. Wikipedia was created to help with learning. This is important because the people behind Wikipedia want us to learn more and to have better knowledge. The whole idea of Wikipedia is so people can post whatever they want and when they want. Every single day people are posting and reading others comments and having opinions. Wikipedia is so successful. Lastly, when working on a research project, using these websites can add some quick insight at hand. â€Å"The cathedral â€Å"and â€Å"The Bazaar† are the biggest difference between Nupedia and Wikipedia is how the information is edited. With Nupedia, people who would submit articles would have to wait for it to be published because it what is reviewed by editors. The process took loads of  time. People behind Wikipedia, can post something and it is reviewed by a never ending amount of people and therefore because of the sites popularity, posts can easily be weeded out. Nupedia was designed to be more professional and they tried to find knowledgeable scholars to oversee the site, and all the entries would be written by experts and those pieces would be read and revised by another group of scholars. Wikipedia is for anyone who wishes to add an article for something they specialize in. It could be something as simple as a definition or a more extensive article. They are posted and then other readers can edit the pieces if they discover incorrect information. This difference helps us understand why Poe named his subheadings the Cathedral and the Bazaar. A cathedral is very organized and has very district, intelligent leaders who oversee the operations. â€Å"There was simply no question in his mind that Nupedia would be Guided by a board of experts, that submissions would be largely written by experts, and that articles would be published only after extensive peer review† (353) This means only post that are actually true would be seen by an editor and be publish. Nupedia has very neat guidelines, and is overseen by professionals. A Bazaar, is much more casual and is usually a market that contains a large variety of items. Wikipedia has very few guidelines and has lots of types of information on millions of subjects. In summary, the result from the internet age is loosing communication,lack of social interaction, and the unreliable nature of websites. Wikipedia is helping the humanity to express their feeling and be seem by others and have opinions. Nupedia is seemed by experts where they can see if it’s true or not to be published. The information has to have credibility to be valid without sacrificing human interaction. Anthony Appiah. â€Å"Making Conversation. The Primacy of Practice.† Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. Ed. Barclay Barrios, Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. 66-82 Print. Poe, Marshall. â€Å"The Hive†. Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers. Ed. Barclay Barrios, Boston, MA: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2010. 349-363. Print.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Subliminal messages in disney Essays

Subliminal messages in disney Essays Subliminal messages in disney Paper Subliminal messages in disney Paper Disney has been one of the major companies in which certain conspiracy theories pop up around again and again. In this particular case we are examining specifically the conspiracy of an image of a palace spire in the shape of a penis on the cover of, The Little Mermaid video cassette box art. Look closely, you can spot the golden palace and its prize almost immediately toward the center of the box, and a little bit up. There are at least two ways to examine this situation. The first outlook is deny the penis on the golden palace. It could be our brains interpreting shapes, and we just think that a penis was put on the box art. We the consumer are possibly making up this connection. The other outlook is to accept that someway and somehow, someone put the penis deliberately on the box art. If indeed the penis really was put there by Disney, it was either a little Joke from an internal Disney artist employee, or someone else at Disney implemented it.. This is quite possibly a prime example on how Disney has used subtle sexual appeal to sell products to either the parents of he the children who watch this kind of material or the kids in order to arouse them into buying their stuff. Usually Disney is known to create and recreate innocent childhood fairy tales, aimed specifically for young children and also the entire family. The Little Mermaid is partially based on Greek and Roman mythology with King Neptune, the god of the sea and her daughter Ariel, a mermaid or water sprite. Older myths and stories were full of sexual themes, but this version is supposed to be child friendly. That is why it would be unusual for Disney to openly admit to any sexual homes in their media. The penis on the tower is centered between and slightly above the main cast characters. I think if you have a wild imagination you can make sense of why the penis is supposedly golden and put between the movie couple. Perhaps King Neptune presence right by the penis tower is to give consumers the subconscious idea that Daddy who in this movie also happens to be a god, is okay with her baby girl receiving the golden (prized) pens. In a similar comparison Ursula could be seen or compared as an evil stepson who is trying to keep the main harassers from having sex, having a family, basically being happy. She is an octopus, so maybe that also implies that she sucks or is a lame person. One of the first items I noticed when I first saw this picture was the golden tower, with the penis included. The palace penis spire is the most eye catching aspect of the entire image and certainly the first thing I locked my eyes and stared at. I can surely say its huge, and definitely noticeable. Its super shiny and golden and those qualities will draw me to look at it first, especially against the blue ocean backdrop. Also it is towards the center and I am inclined to look in the center and upwards first when I see any visual media.. The text and the image works and fits together as if made by a master artist. The vs. box is not too cluttered, the images and the text fit together in a seemingly perfect fit. The visual design makes almost too much sense in terms of logic and reason. It is very emotion inducing, and erotic. Its also funny, because you would not think Disney to be like this, yet here they are. According to Snoops, when this image darted becoming a famous, Disney airbrushed the penis out of future Bogart, to protect their reputation. It is my conjecture that the penis was chosen for that very Ariel. The penis also used to be an object of power and worship in the ancient world, and would not necessarily be out of place for a story based on ancient ideas. Have you ever seen the painting Venus of Wildflower? The Goddess Venus supposedly spawned from the foamy sperm of yet another god cast into the ocean. Even the blue colored cover title I believe is intentioned to complement the shiny golden penis lace through color contrasting. I had originally heard of this rumor as one of those urban myths about subliminal messaging, but since I had seen the pictures before, I knew that more investigation was needed. I was more inclined to believe that this was true from the start because I had seen other supposed subliminal references that Disney was accused of. According to Snoops, an urban myth debunker website claimed this to be a made up scenario. Snoops says on their website; Rumors started circulating shortly after the release of the videocassette edition of The Little Mermaid that the phallic object had been deliberately drawn as a last act of defiance by the disgruntled Disney artist who was miffed at being notified that he would be laid off at the conclusion of the project. The plain truth is that the resemblance between the castle spire and a penis was purely accidental, and it was drawn by an artist who was neither disgruntled nor about to be dismissed. First of all, the artist who created the video cover art did not work for Disney itself, thus he was neither disgruntled with Disney nor about to be fired. We questioned the artist, who also drew artwork for Little Mermaid theatrical advertising, pop-ups, greeting cards, Happy Meal boxes, and CDC. The theatrical posters were done before the original release of the film, but the video cover art was not created until a few months before the home video version hit the market. Rushed to complete the video artwork (featuring towers that were rather phallic to begin with), the artist hurried through the background detail (at about four in the morning) and inadvertently ere one spire that bore a rather close resemblance to a penis. The artist himself didnt notice the resemblance until a member of his youth church group heard about the controversy on talk radio and called him at his studio with the news. The later lacerates version of the film was issued with a cover containing an altered version of the infamous spire. (Snoops) A major website like Snoop says, no this subliminal message was not real, but I now believe that since it has became so famous that it has taken on a reality of its own. In closure, when people look at art and media of their favorite movies like The Little Mermaid, perhaps they may have been affected by subliminal messages and maybe didnt even realize it. The penis on the palace in The Little Mermaid is a great example of subliminal subconscious messages. Sex really does sell and maybe even Disney is using our own natural urges to make some money. A major question is, was the subliminal message real or was it all in my head? Next time you are picking up a form of media, examine it more closely, who knows what you may actually find.

Monday, October 21, 2019

societies and institutions essays

societies and institutions essays The two countries that were chosen are Luxembourg and Kiribati. After looking at the facts about the two countries, I focused mainly on comparing the death rate and infant mortality rate. The population of Kiribati is almost four times smaller than that of Luxembourg and while their death rates are very close figures, the infant mortality rate in Kiribati is almost ten times greater than it is in Luxembourg. This is a very alarming rate. Therefore I asked the question, why so many more infants die in Kiribati? Kiribati has many social and economic problems. It is a very small atoll in the South Pacific Ocean that is plagued with natural hazards including typhoons and tornados. There is heavy pollution in lagoon of south Tarawa atoll (which is its capital) due to heavy migration mixed with traditional practices such as lagoon latrines and open-pit dumping. Only 2.74% of the land is arable and therefore the countries major food source is sea food which is contaminated. People who live on this atoll tend to eat fish or sea food for at least two meals a day so the chances of contamination are very high. Overcrowding, scarcity of clean water and poor sanitary conditions substantially hinder the control of communicable diseases in Kiribati. Communicable diseases are still the leading cause of morbidity, with extremely high numbers of acute respiratory diseases reported every month. Diarrhea diseases and skin diseases are also rampant. Tuberculosis poses a serious public health problem. Twenty nine HIV positive cases have been confirmed so far. Nevertheless, there is a clear trend of increased incidence of non-communicable diseases. Over 80 per cent of the adult population smokes tobacco, and alcohol consumption is also very high. Diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and cancers are becoming a serious and ever increasing public health problem. There is no health care system in Kiribati. There are only a few health centers that use out da...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Analysis of How to Talk to a Hunter by Pam Houston

Analysis of 'How to Talk to a Hunter' by Pam Houston How to Talk to a Hunter by American writer Pam Houston (b. 1962) was originally published in the literary magazine Quarterly West. It was subsequently included in The Best American Short Stories, 1990, and in the authors 1993 collection, Cowboys Are My Weakness. The story focuses on a woman who continues dating a man a hunter even as the signs of his infidelity and lack of commitment mount. Future Tense One striking feature of the story is that it is written in future tense. For example, Houston writes: You will spend every night in this mans bed without asking yourself why he listens to top-forty country. The use of future tense creates a sense of inevitability about the characters actions, as if shes telling her own fortune. But her ability to predict the future seems to have less to do with clairvoyance than with past experience. Its easy to imagine that she knows exactly what will happen because it or something just like it has happened before. So the inevitability becomes as significant a part of the story as the rest of the plot. Who Is the You? I have known some readers who resent the use of second-person (you) because they find it presumptuous. After all, what could the narrator possibly know about them? But for me, reading a second-person narrative has always seemed more like being privy to someones internal monologue than like being told what I, personally, am thinking and doing. The use of second-person simply gives the reader a more intimate look at the characters experience and thought process. The fact that the future tense sometimes changes to imperative sentences like, Call the hunters machine. Tell him you dont speak chocolate only further suggests that the character is giving herself some advice. On the other hand, you dont have to be a heterosexual woman dating a hunter to be dating someone whos dishonest or who shies away from commitment. In fact, you dont have to be romantically involved with someone at all to be taken advantage of. And you definitely dont have to be dating a hunter in order to watch yourself enact mistakes that you see perfectly well are coming. So even though some readers might not recognize themselves in the specific details of the story, many might be able to relate to some of the larger patterns described here. While second-person might alienate some readers, for others it can serve as an invitation to consider what they have in common with the main character. Everywoman The absence of names in the story further suggests an attempt to portray something universal, or at least common, about gender and relationships. Characters are identified by phrases like your best male friend and your best female friend. And both of these friends tend to make sweeping declarations about what men are like or what women are like. (Note: the entire story is told from a heterosexual perspective.) Just as some readers might object to second-person, some will surely object to gender-based stereotypes. Yet Houston does make a convincing case that its difficult to be completely gender-neutral, as when she describes the verbal gymnastics that the hunter engages in to avoid admitting that another woman has come to visit him. She writes (hilariously, in my opinion): The man who has said hes not so good with words will manage to say eight things about his friend without using a gender-determining pronoun. The story seems entirely aware that its dealing in clichà ©s. For example, the hunter speaks to the protagonist in lines from country music. Houston writes: Hell say you are always on his mind, that youre the best thing thats ever happened to him, that you make him glad that hes a man. And the protagonist answers with lines from rock songs: Tell him it dont come easy, tell him freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose. Though its easy to laugh at the communication gap Houston portrays between men and women, country and rock, the reader is left wondering to what extent we ever can escape our clichà ©s.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The relationship between everyday and laboratory-based research works Essay - 1

The relationship between everyday and laboratory-based research works to ensure the latter is not sterile. Discuss with reference to at least one area of memory research - Essay Example y in real life settings (this is the argument)(Minear, n.d.).(In-text citation for the remarks â€Å"how did you know that--i need some acknowledgement please...†) Everyday memory approach is a type of research method that involves the study of real-life memories of the subject’s past (McDermott,Szpunar, & Christ, 2009). It employs the use of cue words as a starting point to trigger the recall of a related memory (McDermott et al., 2009). The highlight of this method is that it involves the completion of a task that occurs naturally in the real world (Minear, n.d.). It is usually used by researchers when laboratory research â€Å" unrealistic, cost-prohibitive or would unduly affect the subject’s behaviour...† (Kendra, n.d.). The advantage of this method is that it permits the study of variables that cannot be manipulated in the laboratory.It strengthens the external validity of the study, and the results obtained are usually generalizable (Kalat, 2008). This technique, however, has its own set of disadvantages among which are less control over study variables, requires longer contact with subjects, as it usually take s longer for people to form a vivid picture of the events they are recalling, and the research usually takes a longer time to finish (McDermott et al., 2009). The use of everyday memory method has been met with many criticisms. Banaji and Crowder (1989) labeled it a â€Å"...superficial glitter...that should not be allowed to replace the quest for truly generalizable principles,† while Alterman (1996) found incorporating â€Å"...everyday memory to a correspondence metaphor...problematic†. Kvavilashvili and Ellis (2004) defended the said technique and asserted that everyday memory yields sound results and can be generalize as information acquired as representative of the study population. This method is also the method of choice in investigating memories influenced by emotional and reconstructive factors, such as flashbulb memories (Lanciano &

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Toxic Chemical Hazard And Risk Assessment Essay

Human Toxic Chemical Hazard And Risk Assessment - Essay Example According to a report produced by Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in 2008, this chemical toxin is the widely studied and researched toxin, because of its toxicological effect on humans (Abash, 113). However, according to Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), fungi produced mycotoxins are harmless and helpful to human body. In addition, according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Aflatoxins are not harmful if only consumed in very minute quantities. This toxic chemical substance is known to cause acute liver damage and liver cancer (Smith, 33). The cumulative effect of this toxic chemical substance is what is known to cause the liver diseases and damage. A major concern about this toxin is that it is heat stable. Thus, once produced on food substances such as vegetables, seeds, legumes and nuts, they remain permanently, since no extreme temperatures can destroy the toxins. Any heating or freezing has no impact on the toxic chemical substance (Huddler, 8). ii. ... Is this an Acute and/or Chronic threat? The chemical poisoning caused by the consumption of food substances invade by this toxin is acute. Is this a Systemic and/or Target Organ Threat? The poisoning caused by this toxin is both target organ and systematic. The intoxication is target organ since it affects the liver, causing its damage and causing other liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis, hepatic fibrosis and fatty liver disease (Abash, 125). The intoxication is also systematic since it causes a variety of different cancers on the body, affecting different body parts. The poisoning caused by the toxin can also cause the blockage of small arteries, due to blood clots (Bingham, 591). Most important, the infection is systematic since the intoxication causes the malfunction of the digestion system. This affects the absorption of nutrients by the body, subsequently affecting the stability of the brain and eventually leading to coma and death. What Are The More Likely (Probable) â€⠀œ Additional, Concurrent Chemical Exposures That May Interact With The Selected Chemical? The Aflatoxins have a probability of interacting with the alkaline substances of the human DNA, thus causing gene mutation. What Type of Chemical Interactions May Occur With the Additional, Concurrent Toxic Chemicals? The type of chemical reaction likely to occur is intercalation and alkylation of the DNA molecules. iii. Risk assessment This toxic chemical substance cause harm to consumers on the event that they consume food substances, which has this toxic substance in them. The toxin can contaminate the food substance before harvest and during storage (Smith, 27). The

Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map - Coursework Example The study will identify the measures to be taken for fulfilment of the objectives followed by the recommendations to Chevron for achieving the target. The study will also reflect the strategy mapping for Chevron Corporation followed by the link between each perspective (financial, customer, internal business process, learning & growth) and the perspectives and the objectives. In this study, it will be shown that how the four perspectives of balance score card are linked to each other and how the perspectives and objectives are linked to each other. Finally the study will be concluding with a critical analysis of the balance score card and the limitations of the balance score card. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Vision of Chevron 4 Strategy 5 Designed Balance Scorecard 5 Balance of Balance Score Card 10 Strategy Map 12 Links within Each Perspective and the objectives 13 Recommendation 14 Balance Score Card: A Critical Analysis 15 Limitations o f Balance Score Card 16 Works Cited 17 Name of the student Name of the professor Course number Date Introduction Chevron Corporation is a multinational energy corporation whose headquarter is located in San Ramon, California. The company operates in more than 180 countries and is engaged in gas, oil and other geothermal sectors including production, exploration, marketing, chemicals manufacturing and power generation. It is one among the six major oil companies. From last five years, the company has been ranked as the third largest corporation (in Fortune 500) in America. Chevron is considered to be one of the largest corporations, in terms of revenue. Vision of Chevron The vision statement of Chevron is â€Å"At the heart of The Chevron Way is our vision †¦to be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance" (Chevron, â€Å"The Chevron Way†). The values of Chevron Corporation are: Integrity The company performs its operations with i ntegrity and meets the highest standards of codes and ethics in its business dealings. The company believes in keeping its commitment and accepting the responsibilities (Chevron, â€Å"Values†). The company holds itself accountable for its work and its actions. Diversity Chevron respects the culture in which it works and learns from it. It values and respects the uniqueness of the individual and their varied perspectives and the talents they possess. It has an inclusive working environment. Protecting the people as well as the environment The company places its highest priority on the safety of the work force and the protection and proper care of its assets and environment (Chevron, â€Å"Corporate Responsibility†). The company aims to be admired for the world class performance by means of the Operational Excellence Management System. Trust The management and the employees of Chevron believe in respecting and supporting each other and they strive for earning the trust of the partners, the colleagues and the customers. Ingenuity The company seeks opportunities out of ordinary solutions. It utilises the creativity of the employees to find practical ways of solving problems. High performance The company is committed to the excellence in its performance. It strives to improve consistently and achieve results that exceed the expectations. Strategy Chevron states that its capital

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Management - Essay Example Organizational culture can have a significant impact on employee behavior and performance. First of all, if an employee is well-aware about the culture of the organization he works in; he would have a complete understanding about how things work, what is the working style, the system, norms and beliefs residing in the minds of its people, it would be easy to work in the organization. Once he understands the environment well and is settled and comfortable, he can perform to his maximum. Organizational culture also generates commitment in an individual, which leads to shared goals to be achieved mutually (Hellriegel and Slocum 432). There is evidence that shows that corporate culture does affect performance. For instance, if we compare Japanese and American management methods, the success of Japanese is shown by their strong culture emphasizing on employee participation, open communication, security and equality (Cumming and Worley). A study of productivity was conducted in research de partments of UK university which showed a strong relationship between productivity and organization cultures emphasizing team work and employee involvement (Cumming and Worley). Can the culture of an organization be changed to increase performance? Culture of an organization may not be perfect to current needs of the market. It might not be comfortable for the workforce to work in that culture. It might not lead to achieving best performance in terms of product quality and service for customers. In such a case, culture of the organization should be changed keeping your motives ahead of you (Hellriegel and Slocum 432). During 1980s, in US, many organizations started changing their cultures in order to meet the customer’s expectations in a better way. During late 1990s, organizations began to evaluate how well they fit into expectations of workforce (Hellriegel and Slocum 432). As a senior leader in an organization what can you do to change the culture and in turn increase perf ormance of the business? (Wade and Recardo 62) As a senior manager, I can look into the following things in order to change the culture: -Change chain of command -Bring flexibility in the system. -Emphasize on teamwork -Involve employees at all levels. As an HR leader in an organization what can you do to change the culture and in turn increase performance of the business? Culture is a result of technology, process and organizational architecture. An HR manager should first identify where the problem lies. As an HR manager, I can change the architecture and communication in order to change the culture in an organization. If I feel the workforce wants more flexible style of working, I can bring into decentralization by: -Reducing layers of management. -Making sure information is available at the lower level personnel. A few other strategies may also be applied to change culture in order to increase employee behaviour and productivity: -Modify the reward system. -Aggressive use of tec hnology to make the processes more efficient (Wade and Recardo) . What impact on performance can a coaching culture have on an organization? Accelerating or getting the maximum out of something, is a practice that managers should often observe. Coaching is a tool which makes a good thing even better (Gorrell and Hoover). In 2008, a study was conducted by American Management Association to see the impact of coaching on performance. It was found that nearly 60 percent of North Americans

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Applying Mathematical Concepts to Business Administration Essay

Applying Mathematical Concepts to Business Administration - Essay Example Despite this, many students still fail to realize just how important mathematics can be in their chosen profession. Other students mistakenly believe that the extent to which mathematics will play a role in their profession will be a minor role. In truth, mathematics is used daily in a variety of professional fields including business administration, and can often play a role in problem resolution. Some business related problems that can be solved with mathematics are payroll discrepancies and funding needs. Business Administration entails a multitude of tasks and responsibilities. Many of these components can become problematic if proper mathematics is not applied. For example, a business owner or manager may, at times, be held responsible for pay roll, accounts payables, accounts receivables, determining advertising or marketing needs, and writing various proposals. Although business owners can and often do hire help to perform these many functions, understanding the concepts will ensure that the business owner can accurately monitor the progress and effectiveness of his or her employees or contracted associates. Owning a business can present a variety of problems, including conflict resolution, competition, and establishing a loyal customer base. Some of these problems cannot be solved by the use of mathematics. However, several other problems can arise that will require a solid knowledge of mathematics and an understanding of how to apply mathematical skills: Having [at least] an introduction to these topics will provide you with the basics needed for initial analysis of financial situations in your business. This information is critical to successfully managing the financial aspects of your business (Jones International University 1). Although it may appear trite to first reference financial aspects of an organization as a source of potential problems faced by business administrators and owners, the problems that can stem out of a business's financial matters can be immense. If these problems are handled improperly, they could prove to be fatal for the business. One such problem is with proper payroll accounting. Payroll embodies the life-blood of a company's employees, contracted employees, and management staff. Put simply, payroll is the monetary compensation such employees receive in exchange for their work and services provided to the company or on the behalf of the company. The most common problem that can occur with payroll is inadequate tracking of hourly employees (Corpus Christi Caller 1). Hourly employees, or those employees who receive compensation based on the number of hours they work during a specific amount of time, can make mistakes regarding their time tracking. Additionally, managers can make mistakes when calculating the wage amount for an employee for one specific pay-period. When a mistake is found, several mathematics concepts will come into play to find the mistake and work to resolve the issue. First, to find the exact mistake, the manager's first step will be to recalculate the wages based on the employees hourly pay-rate and the number of hours that employee has reported working. Doing this will require a basic mathematical concept; simply multiply the number of hours worked by the employee's hourly wage amount and round the product up or down to the nearest 100th. Should this answer not match the amount shown on the check, then the problem can be resolved by issuing a new check for the amount of the difference. However, if this new product does match the amount

Assessment of The Current Economic Situation in the US Essay

Assessment of The Current Economic Situation in the US - Essay Example This essay offers a brief informative review of the developments in the US economy after the financial crisis of 2008. The United States economy growth rate has declined considerably, after the economic crisis. The number of unemployed persons remains high. The slowing economic growth remains a concern due to the negative impacts it has had on the GDP. United States is considered to have the most technologically advanced economy with an approximated GDP of about $48, 000. The private sector dominates the economic sector with the government purchasing most of its goods and services from the private sector. One of the major disasters facing United States is the high level of unemployment, which is attributable to the 2008-2009 economic recessions. The economic recession is considered to be the worst economic crisis after the great depression. About 8.3% people remain unemployed within the U.S. The number increased after the 2008 recession as most companies tried to reduce their workforce as an attempt to counteract the inflation. In the attempt to offset the increased unemployment, the federal government enacted the American Jobs Act. The Act aimed at creating ways to prevent the slowed economic growth The United States financial sector remains fragile with increasing budget deficits. The gross domestic product remains delicate. Attempts to cut down on financial spending affected the revenues negatively. The slowed economic growth has the disadvantage of subsequent increase in unemployment but diminished possibility of inflation.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Management - Essay Example Organizational culture can have a significant impact on employee behavior and performance. First of all, if an employee is well-aware about the culture of the organization he works in; he would have a complete understanding about how things work, what is the working style, the system, norms and beliefs residing in the minds of its people, it would be easy to work in the organization. Once he understands the environment well and is settled and comfortable, he can perform to his maximum. Organizational culture also generates commitment in an individual, which leads to shared goals to be achieved mutually (Hellriegel and Slocum 432). There is evidence that shows that corporate culture does affect performance. For instance, if we compare Japanese and American management methods, the success of Japanese is shown by their strong culture emphasizing on employee participation, open communication, security and equality (Cumming and Worley). A study of productivity was conducted in research de partments of UK university which showed a strong relationship between productivity and organization cultures emphasizing team work and employee involvement (Cumming and Worley). Can the culture of an organization be changed to increase performance? Culture of an organization may not be perfect to current needs of the market. It might not be comfortable for the workforce to work in that culture. It might not lead to achieving best performance in terms of product quality and service for customers. In such a case, culture of the organization should be changed keeping your motives ahead of you (Hellriegel and Slocum 432). During 1980s, in US, many organizations started changing their cultures in order to meet the customer’s expectations in a better way. During late 1990s, organizations began to evaluate how well they fit into expectations of workforce (Hellriegel and Slocum 432). As a senior leader in an organization what can you do to change the culture and in turn increase perf ormance of the business? (Wade and Recardo 62) As a senior manager, I can look into the following things in order to change the culture: -Change chain of command -Bring flexibility in the system. -Emphasize on teamwork -Involve employees at all levels. As an HR leader in an organization what can you do to change the culture and in turn increase performance of the business? Culture is a result of technology, process and organizational architecture. An HR manager should first identify where the problem lies. As an HR manager, I can change the architecture and communication in order to change the culture in an organization. If I feel the workforce wants more flexible style of working, I can bring into decentralization by: -Reducing layers of management. -Making sure information is available at the lower level personnel. A few other strategies may also be applied to change culture in order to increase employee behaviour and productivity: -Modify the reward system. -Aggressive use of tec hnology to make the processes more efficient (Wade and Recardo) . What impact on performance can a coaching culture have on an organization? Accelerating or getting the maximum out of something, is a practice that managers should often observe. Coaching is a tool which makes a good thing even better (Gorrell and Hoover). In 2008, a study was conducted by American Management Association to see the impact of coaching on performance. It was found that nearly 60 percent of North Americans

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assessment of The Current Economic Situation in the US Essay

Assessment of The Current Economic Situation in the US - Essay Example This essay offers a brief informative review of the developments in the US economy after the financial crisis of 2008. The United States economy growth rate has declined considerably, after the economic crisis. The number of unemployed persons remains high. The slowing economic growth remains a concern due to the negative impacts it has had on the GDP. United States is considered to have the most technologically advanced economy with an approximated GDP of about $48, 000. The private sector dominates the economic sector with the government purchasing most of its goods and services from the private sector. One of the major disasters facing United States is the high level of unemployment, which is attributable to the 2008-2009 economic recessions. The economic recession is considered to be the worst economic crisis after the great depression. About 8.3% people remain unemployed within the U.S. The number increased after the 2008 recession as most companies tried to reduce their workforce as an attempt to counteract the inflation. In the attempt to offset the increased unemployment, the federal government enacted the American Jobs Act. The Act aimed at creating ways to prevent the slowed economic growth The United States financial sector remains fragile with increasing budget deficits. The gross domestic product remains delicate. Attempts to cut down on financial spending affected the revenues negatively. The slowed economic growth has the disadvantage of subsequent increase in unemployment but diminished possibility of inflation.

Haunted House Essay Example for Free

Haunted House Essay â€Å"Come on you big baby† my friend Ron said. It was Friday the 13th and we were at a real life haunted house. It wasn’t one of those haunted houses they put together for Halloween; it was a real life haunted house. Let me start at the beginning. It was Thursday the 12th and me and a couple of my friends decided we were going to go for a walk down the scariest street in the neighborhood, the town, and maybe even the world. Rumor had it that more than 50% of the houses had murders occur in them. We wanted to check out the Cortez house where a family of 15 had their parents go crazy and started hitting their children from the age of five to the age of 19. â€Å"I dare Shawn, Austin, and Kate to spend the night in the Cortez house† Ron said. Me, Shawn, and Kate all said â€Å"ok†. But then it went even further â€Å"you have to do it tomorrow on Friday the 13th. We all agreed that was a crazy idea considering no soul has ever gotten within ten feet of that house and lived to tell the story. Maybe a ghost took them away. Maybe the ugly tattered green and yellow worn shades blinded them, maybe the howling wolf whenever somebody walked by did the trick. We all said that we would meet back up here tomorrow after school got out to discuss the matter, after all it was only Thursday. When I got home my mom asked me â€Å"Austin it is midnight and you have school tomorrow where were you at† I smiled and lied â€Å"I was just hanging out at Ron’s house mom. † â€Å"Ok† she snapped, â€Å"just don’t be late again on a school night†. â€Å"Sorry, mom. Oh yeah, mom can I spend the night at Ron’s house tomorrow? I asked. â€Å"yes, I will take you over there when I get off work. † This morning I got up and went to school. Then we all met at the haunted house to discuss who was going to do it. Kate and I agreed to it and Ron said he would join, but Shawn didn’t want anything to do with it. â€Å"Come on you big baby! † Ron said. Then Shawn said â€Å"No, I would rather live past the age of 15! †, then he ran home and now he is probably playing Xbox 360. We all brought bats and racquets to protect ourselves. Okay we were going in. I was in front of the pack. I didn’t look scared but I was just trying to stand tall and be a good leader for my friends. When we got to the steps we could hear the many mice below it. By now Kate was already crying. â€Å"Keep calm Kate. † I said, â€Å"I won’t let anything happen to you. † She quieted down and we headed in. Right when I got through the door I felt the thickly woven spider webs on my face. I saw a huge group of black widows crawling towards us. I started swinging trying to protect my friends and most of all me. We killed most of the fist sized ones then we proceeded to the kitchen where we found snakes coiled around everything. I could smelled their reptilian skin and its sliminess. We slowly backed away and decided we would head upstairs and find where all of us would sleep. We found one room that was relatively clean and one that seemed to be in perfect condition, as if someone had recently lived here. Ron told us that he had to go to the bathroom and we said we would protect the door. Ten minutes later we hadn’t heard a peep from him so we went in. He was nowhere to be seen. â€Å"Guys. † We heard a voice beneath us yell â€Å"look under the rug, it’s amazing down here. We lifted up the rug and found a secret passage. It looked like it was supposed to be an old fashion garbage shoot. We slid down and to our surprise we were in a room filled with treasure. We all filled our pockets and made our way back to the room. We then realized someone else must’ve found the gold and was living here, if this was the case we had to get out before the treasure hunter came back and found us stealing. We went home and showed our parent what we found they took it to the bank and got millions. Mom you never go back to that terrible job anymore. We all moved into the â€Å"haunted house† and lived there for the rest of our lives.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Static Channel Versus Dynamic Channel Allocation Systems Computer Science Essay

Static Channel Versus Dynamic Channel Allocation Systems Computer Science Essay Abstract- Channel Allocation Schemes have always held a vital role in achieving better performance of wireless networks. This paper has studied the comparison between two of the most known techniques of channel allocation namely: Static Channel Allocation and Dynamic Channel Allocation. The comparison is made over two types of networks single radio network, in which each of wireless node is equipped with only one radio interface, and multi radio network, in which each of the node is equipped with at least two transceivers. This paper presents the detail survey of all the existing comparison made between these two schemes. Keywords- Channel Allocation Scheme, Dynamic Channel Allocation, Static Channel Allocation, Single radio network, Multi-radio network Introduction Growth in the customers of the wireless networks, let it be cellular systems or any other Wireless network, has amplified the need to have the networks which can have more capacity and accommodate more and more users. Enlargement of wireless market has made capacity of the wireless network a scarce resource. Methods to improve effective capacity utilization of the wireless network are under consideration and in [4], it is realized that these methods involve source coding schemes, power control, better modulation schemes, improved antennas. Other then these methods capacity of wireless system can be improved by installing more bas stations i.e increasing number of transmitting equipment or improving hardware equipment of current system. Using better channel allocation schemes is also one of the methods to improve capacity utilization of wireless network. The aim of this paper is to focus on channel allocation schemes. These channel allocation schemes are not much of importance in the wired networks because their topology is stable and they do not offer any mobility to the users/nodes. But in the wireless networks, channel allocation of key importance. The vital role of the wireless networks is that they offer mobility to users hence, the channel allocation algorithm has to assign channels to ports and portables so that best trade-off between the quality of service and system performance is maintained [3]. A given spectrum of frequency, can be divided into several independent sets, these independent sets are completely disjoint with each other. Hence even if they are used simultaneously, they will not interfere with each other. So splitting the frequency spectrum into independent channels and then using all the channels for communication simultaneously present improvement in the capacity utilization [6]. The channel allocation strategy is considered to be the core of mobile networks because it not only affects the quality and the availability of the channels to the user but changes the distribution of the traffic and hence, overall shapes the capacity of the network [3]. Two of the most common channel allocation schemes are considered in this paper namely, FCA- Fixed Channel Assignment or Fixed Channel Allocation and DCA- Dynamic Channel Allocation. Fixed Channel Allocation (FCA) Fixed Channel Allocation is also known as Static Channel Allocation. It is known as Fixed or Static because once the channel is allocated to a port or a user it does not change for the entire course of operation. It is used in all TDMA/FDMA digital cellular mobile networks [5] as number of frequency carriers in each cell stays fixed and does not depend on traffic load. It is a time insensitive solution, as with the passage of time allocation of the channels to nodes does not change. Although in real-time, traffic load in a cell varies, there are peak hours when the traffic load reaches to almost 100% and then there are quiet hours in a cell when traffic load is very low. This limitation dispirits the use of the FCA. But if a static condition is considered there is most likely a chance to get good performance with this channel allocation algorithm [3]. In a cellular system based on the FCA, channels are partitioned among the cells permanently so that if all the cells use all the channels assigned to them simultaneously, there will be no interference [1]. Figure cell pattern for Static Channel Allocation with N = 7 With more complex systems other channel strategies can achieve higher efficiency but they require processors with more memory. But it is an essential sacrifice to make as in [4] it is discussed that in each cell there are no static conditions, space traffic imbalance varies from 10% to 70%, and this imbalance in the traffic depends on the size of the cell or service area and type of the environment, whether its urban, suburban or rural area [4]. Dynamic Channel Allocation (DCA) In DCA, frequency channels are not fixed for any node or user. Depending upon knowledge of the environment, channels are assigned to the user. The distribution of the frequency carriers in a cell depends upon distribution of the users/nodes in the cell and also on offered traffic load. DCA is currently supported by the GSM [5]. In Dynamic Channel Allocation Scheme all the channels which are available for a system, are kept in a queue or a spool. These channels are allocated to any cell temporarily. The only constraint is to fulfil the distance criteria, so that interference can be minimized [2]. The existing schemes for the Dynamic Channel Allocation can be categorized into three main types: IA-DCA (Interference Adaptive Dynamic Channel Allocation), LA-DCA (Location Adaptive Dynamic Channel Allocation) and TA-DCA (Traffic Adaptive Dynamic Channel Allocation), these schemes are based on the type of network dynamics they consider while making decision [4]. All DCA schemes basically evaluate the cost of using each available channel and opts the channel which introduces lowest cost [2]. For most accurate and good decision for channel allocation, the algorithm should have accurate knowledge of the environment [3]. The main algorithms which are considered under the study of Dynamic Channel Allocation are: DCET, Bellcore and Segregation DCA [3]. In DCET and Bellcore DCA algorithms, the decision of channel allocation is based on only single measurement of channel dynamics, while in the Segregation DCA, a radio interface acquires the channel depending upon its learning through past experience of channel usage. With the past knowledge, channel which has highest probability of success is chosen for operation. Although this algorithm requires processors with memory yet as decision is more meaningful so its performance is better than the DCET and Bellcore DCA algorithms [3]. In figure 2, in [7] results of performance of different type of DCA schemes are compared. Figure Performance of Different DCA methods Section II of the paper compares both of the channel allocation schemes in a single radio network and Section III shares the comparison done of channel allocation schemes in multi-radio network. Section IV shares the identified regions in which future work can be done and Section V concludes the paper. Comparison of DCA and FCA in Single Radio Network A single radio network a network in which all of the nodes of the wireless network consist of maximum of one radio interface and this single radio interface is used for the communication purposes. In this section the comparison of the DCA and FCA in single radio network is presented. Figure Algorithms for Dynamic Channel Allocation In a given cell, if a node requests a call, it will be served only and only if the cell has an unused channel available, which fulfils the reuse criteria, otherwise the call will be blocked [1]. Such is the case with Static Channel Allocation Scheme. But this is not the case with the Dynamic Channel Allocation Schemes, as for each of the call that is to be served; channel is taken from the overall pool that holds all the channels available for wireless system. In any channel allocation strategy, main aim is to find the best possible way to reuse the channels to maximize the systems capacity, while keeping interference in the system at minimum and provide quality of service to the user [4]. From another view, for allocating channel, the objective is taken as to allocate the channel to a call so that number of blocked calls is minimized and the number of dropped calls is also minimized. In the end, the channel allocation scheme finds the best trade-off between these two objectives because generally priority is given to minimize the number of dropped calls, as having a call dropped is more undesirable then not having the call connected at all [1]. Both schemes for channel allocation FCA and DCA are compared under the assumption that the call arrival distribution is Poisson [5]. For the purpose of modelling in FCA it is considered that there are z numbers of channels per frequency carrier and y is the number of control channels. In a given cell i, let total number of frequency carrier be Ci and the total number of channels in the cell, which will be used to serve a call will be ci. The expression for ci is given as: (1) While this will not be the case for DCA, as frequency carriers are not permanently assigned to any of the cell. As the channel assignment depends on environment so, if we take n as the number of active calls in any cell, then frequency carriers allocated to that cell will be: (2) Total number of channels required, for any cell should be equal to the number of active calls and the control channels. But the number of frequency carriers which has z number of channels each should be either more or equal than actually required [5]. In equation (2), shows that value is always taken equal or greater than a [5]. For the first simulation, the arrival rate of the calls is set at the overload value; this means that the overload period is considered where the numbers of calls initiated per minute are more than the actual capacity of the system. The observation made over here is that, under heavy traffic load, efficiency of the network or the channel utilization and capacity of the network does not improve by using DCA instead of FCA. Although it was considered as the fact that DCA will always perform better than FCA. Figure Effect of the handover on FCA and DCA In figure 4, the phenomenon observed is known as phenomenon of low capacity island [5]. Under heavy load, no benefit is achieved by using DCA, as in such a scenario both of the schemes will be utilizing capacity to the full extent. Rather DCA may perform worse than FCA. The reason is that due to dynamic channel allocation, a cell may borrow some of the frequency channels form the neighbouring cells during the low traffic period and the neighbouring cell does not get the channel back. The cell which has obtained the channel is let us say known as the lucky cell, and the cell which donated the channel and in the end, was unable to get it back is known as unlucky cell [5]. Now during the high load traffic period, if lucky cell wants to handover the call to a neighbouring unlucky cell. But as the unlucky cell would already be out of available channels to be able to serve the call, call will be dropped. Hence under such a scenario the drop out probability of dynamic channel allocation sch eme would be higher than static channel allocation algorithm. Other simulation is to find out the effect of the arrival rate on call blocking probability. Arrival rate is the number of calls initiated per minute. Through simulation, it is concluded that DCA performed better if the traffic load is within the range 0.6 to 0.9 Erlang/BS/Channel. (figure 5) Figure Analysis of DCA and FCA, call blocking ratio with respect to the arrival rate of the calls During the next case it was considered that arrival rate is Poisson and the other parameters like handover rate and call holding time etc are evenly distributed all over the cell. From the figure 6 it is clear that as probability of call blocking increases with the increase in the arrival rate of calls. Which is fairly obvious, more are the number of the users which are to be served, there is more likely a chance that some of them may not be able to get a free channel. Figure Performance analysis of FCA and DCA, Arrival rate of calls with respect to the over all blocking probability Under such consideration as can be observed from the figure 6, DCA performs better than FCA, as in case of congestion in a cell, DCA can borrow channels from the neighbouring cells but in case of FCA, the scheme has no option but to reject the oncoming calls in case of congestion. Figure 7 shows the amount of traffic carried by FCA and DCA according to the traffic load. Figure comparison between FCA and DCA with respect to the carried traffic under the traffic load Figure 8 shows the performance of the channel allocation schemes when traffic imbalance is considered. It is observed that network capacity to carry data, in case of FCA, reduces significantly when data imbalance is considered. But in case of DCA, there is no significant degradation in networks capacity to carry the data. There is also significant increase in the number of calls blocked by FCA, because of the increase in the traffic imbalance. But as the carried capacity does not decrease much in case of the DCA, there is not much of the increment in number of the blocked calls. Figure FCA Vs. DCA, effect of the traffic imbalance on the both channel allocation techniques Comparison of DCA and FCA in Multi Radio Network A multi radio network is the type of the network where each node is equipped with at least two or more than two transceivers. Fixed Channel Allocation in Multi-radio network It is pointed out in [14], throughput and overall performance of wireless networks decreases with increased density of radios, but major reason for this problem is that these radios do not transmit the data simultaneously as the nodes are generally configured with single radios only and this factor basically limits the forwarding capacity of the network. In [15], the authors have emphasized that with the introduction of more than one NIC (Network interface cards) in wireless networks, performance of the system can be improved 6 to 7 times, instead of just doubling the performance. The same phenomenon has been confirmed in [16]. There has been much work done, in which the performance gain in wireless mesh networks with multiple interfaces is discussed as compared to single radio interface network. In [13], capacity gain between single radio, dual radio and multi-radio wireless mesh networks is compared and realistically the gain achieved by having multiple radio interfaces in the network has been discussed. Apart from that, in [17], authors have proposed that with implementation of multi-radio Diversity approximately 2.3 times performance gain is measured in the single radio network. Under the multi-radio scenario, one important factor is to consider proper channel assignment. Each of the radios should be tuned to a frequency through which the throughput of the whole network is maximized. The introduction of multiple radios is not without the trade off of increased complexity of channel assignment schemes and the traffic allocation methods [20] and apart from that, more work is done in this domain. In [10], [8], [19], the authors have proposed some approaches to get maximum possible throughput by different channel assignment algorithms. The concept of the Static Channel Allocation in this section is extended to Wireless Mesh Networks, as before the start of the operation in the wireless mesh networks the channels are properly allocated and then till the end of the operation, the channel assignment does not change. In this section, multi-radio wireless mesh network is considered and it is observed that how by having multiple radio interfaces the performance of the network improves. Figure Performance of the FCA algorithms with 3 channels Figure 9 shows the impact of the different algorithms for the channel allocation in the three channel scheme [8]. Figure performance of the FCA algorithms with 12 channels Figure 10 shows the impact of the different algorithms for the channel allocation in the twelve channel scheme [8]. Figure 11 shows that with different channel allocation algorithms, how the increment in number of interfaces per node impacts the performance of network. In all algorithms it is observed that with the increase in number of radio interfaces per node, throughput of wireless networks improves [9]. Figure FCA algorithm comparison with different number of radio interfaces per node Figure effect of increased number of interfaces per node on the over all normalized broadcast latency In figure 12, it is shown that with different channel allocation schemes for multi-interface wireless mesh network, normalized latency for broadcast decreases with the increase in number of radio interfaces per node [9]. In figure 13, it is simulated that with the increase in the number of interfaces per node, there is not an unlimited increment in capacity utilization. Multi radios are used so that in a network there could be as many concurrent transmissions as possible. But even this has a limit to it. In [10], it is shown that after achieving the maximum level of capacity utilization, even after by adding more number of radio interfaces in a network, no advantage is gained. Figure capacity degradation with increase in the number of radio interfaces per node Figure Effect of the number of channels and multiple radio interfaces on the throughput In figure 14, it is shown that as long as the number of the available channels in a cell; are more than the number of interfaces per node, with increase in number of radios per node, throughput of the network will increase [11]. Figure throughput increment of a network by increased number of the interfaces per node In figure 15, it is shown that under a proper channel assignment and routing method, with more number of interfaces per node, the throughput of the system improves considerably [12]. In [13], as shown in figure 16 and 17, performance of fixed channel allocation scheme is compared in detail with respect to single radio network and the multi-radio network. Figure overall network capacity increment with more number of radio interfaces present at each node In figure 16, it is proved that the capacity of the overall system improves with the usage of multiple radios per node. Figure capacity of each AP with multiple interfaces per node Comparison between single radio to the multiple radios In figure 17, per Access Point capacity is simulated to have comparison between multi-radio interface per node and single radio interface per node. Dynamic Channel Allocation in Multi-radio Network: There has been little work which proves the introduction of multiple interfaces while using the Dynamic Channel Allocation provides any performance up-gradation. Analytically it is assumed that, as the introduction of multi-interfaces in wireless mesh networks improves performance, similarly the performance of networks using Dynamic Channel Allocation can be improved by introducing more than one interface on a single node. Some of the analysed parameters, which show the relative improvement in performance, are listed below: Parameter I: Improvement in the throughput of the system: In a single radio cognitive network, as shown in figure 18, the node D has two data packets of equal size in its internal queue, one for node C and one for node. Nodes E and C are at the equal distance d from the node D but are tuned at different channels. In this particular case each packet will take time t to reach the destination. Even if we neglect the switching time, cognitive radio present at D will take to switch from one channel to the other channel, the time taken to completely transmit both of the packets will be t+t = 2t. Figure Single Radio Network Now even if the same network topology is considered but now consider that each of the nodes is equipped with two interfaces (figure 19). Node D will be able to transmit both of the packets simultaneously to node C and node E, considering that interface 1 is tuned to the channel on which communication with node E is possible and interface 2 is tuned to the frequency over which communication with node C is possible. In this case there will be no delay caused by the switching of the channel. Figure Multi-interface radio network Figure Effect of channel switching Conclusion: The transmission time is decreased with the factor of N, where N is the number of interface each of the node will have. Throughput is improved with the factor of N. Parameter II: Latency of the network will decrease: With the introduction of the multiple interfaces in the cognitive radio network, latency of the network will decrease. Figure Multi-hop Single interface Wireless Network Initially considering the multi-hop scenario, considering an intermediate node, it has to receive an incoming transmission on channel 1 and then it has to tune its radio to the channel 2 to be able transmit the received transmission to the destination node. Latency of such network will consist of: Transmitting time of packet over channel 1 from source node to intermediate node: t1 Transmitting time of packet over channel 2 from intermediate node to destination node: t2 Switching time required for the interface on intermediate node to switch from channel 1 to channel 2: t3 Hence the total latency of such a system will be: t1+ t2+ t3 Figure Multi-hop Multi interface Wireless Network Now comparing the previous scenario with the one in which each of the node is equipped with at least two interfaces. Now on the intermediate node interface 1 will be tuned to channel 1 and interface 2 will be tuned to channel 2. If there is an incoming transmission on channel 1 and it is to be transmitted to the channel 2, the total latency will be: Transmitting time of packet over channel 1 from source node to intermediate node: t1 Transmitting time of packet over channel 2 from intermediate node to destination node: t2 Hence the total latency of such a system will be: t1+ t2 The switching time will not be considered over here; hence comparatively the latency is decreased with the introduction of another interface on the cognitive radio node. Conclusion: The latency factor is dependent on switching time of the cognitive radio. This factor comes into effect with more dominance with increase in the number of hops in the multi-hop network. Latency can be greatly reduced with the introduction of multi interfaces on the cognitive radio network. Parameter III: Connectivity of the network will improve: The probability of isolation of any node in a network will be reduced with the introduction of the multi-interfaces in the cognitive radio network. Figure Single interface node with the available channels Considering the scenario, in figure 23, where a secondary network has four channels available for its utilization, now for a given condition, all radio interfaces are tuned to either one of the channel 1, 2 or 3. If a single interface chooses channel 4, it will be isolated from the rest of the network. Assuming that the probability of opting for such a channel is p then the overall probability of getting a node isolated from the rest of the network will be p. Figure Multi-Interface node with the available channels Now for multiple interfaces, a node will only be separated if both the interfaces of a single node choose channel 4. A node will be isolated if and only if: Interface 1 chooses channel 4 AND interface 2 chooses channel 4 P2 As according to the probability rules p Conclusion: The probability of isolating a node, is decreased with the factor of N [N is the number of radios] as compared to the probability of node isolation in case of single interface cognitive radio networks. Here mutual independence among the DCA algorithms running on both of the radio interfaces is considered, but this is not generally the case. The performance of a cognitive radio network is strictly dependent on the number of cognitive radios present in its vicinity [21]. Figure Improvement in throughput using multiple radios Figure Improvement in throughput of the network with multiple radio using different number of available channels Figure 25 and 26 shows the throughput improvement gained by the introduction of multiple radios as compared to a single radio and in both of the figures different number of available channels are considered [24]. Comparison: Up till so far, none of the research has been carried out to find out whether any advantage is gained by deploying Dynamic Channel Allocation scheme in the multi-radio wireless network domain as compared to the implementation of the Fixed Channel Assignment algorithm. Considering the study made regarding the performance improvement gained by fixed channel allocation scheme and dynamic channel allocation scheme in multi-radio wireless network, there could be several hypotheses made. The complexity of implementation of Dynamic Channel Allocation algorithm will be more than that of Fixed Channel Allocation algorithm. Although the same is true in case of single radio network, but in case of the Multi-radio network, the complexity increment will be more significant. The reason can be taken as if the spectrum view of a single interface of a node changes in multi-radio network, for the similar node the situation changes for the other interfaces as well [21]. The performance improvement obtained by implementation of the Dynamic Channel Allocation algorithm as compared to the Fixed Channel Allocation in the multi-radio will have similar effects as it has in the Single radio network. The same effect on the throughput of the system, data carrying capacity and the effect of the traffic load and traffic imbalance will be observed. Another important factor that can be predicted because of the observation made via simulation figures is as the performance of the wireless network depends upon the density of the nodes in a network. As compared to the Fixed Channel Allocation Scheme, Dynamic Channel Allocation Algorithms will be more sensitive to the density of the network [23]. There will be no matter of connectivity in case the Fixed Channel Assignment Scheme is deployed on the wireless network. As before the point of operation with FCA, it is made sure that all of the nodes are connected and none of the node is left isolated. With the Dynamic Channel Allocation there will still be a small probability that a node can get isolated from the rest of the network. In the Fixed Channel Allocation for the multi-radio wireless network the distribution of radio interfaces do not matter for the performance. But in case of the DCA, better performance can be improved if radio interface distribution on the nodes is not uniform. DCA will perform better if the first hop nodes have more number of radio interfaces than rest of the network nodes [22]. Future Work The points raised, during this study are just concluded through observation and analytically studying the response of the Fixed Channel Allocation Algorithm in the Multi-Radio network and Dynamic Channel Allocation Algorithm in Multi-Radio Network. These observations can be further improved by using proper simulating tools. Conclusion In the single radio wireless network, DCA exhibits better performance than FCA. The same behaviour is predicted for the multi-radio wireless network, but with the increased complexity. And much better performance can be achieved by taking care of the distribution of the radios in the network. Still it should be considered that there will not be infinite performance gain obtained by using multi-radio network and DCA. The limitation imposed is that number of channels available to a cell should always be greater than the number of interfaces per node has.